Online Application Form

All : * Feilds are Mandatory.
Enter Your Name: *
Enter Aadhar No.: *
Enter Father's Name: *
Enter Mother's Name.: *
Caste:: *
Admission For Class:
Student's DOB: * (dd/mm/year)
Previous School in which the Student's Studied:
Class Passed in Prev. Year :
Apply For RMS :
Apply for:
Mobile No.:: *
Whatsapp No.:: *
State of Domicile:: *
Identification Marks: *
Choice of Hospital for Medical Checkup : *
In which RMS Your own Brother's Studying
Permanent Address: *
Name of the Local Guardian with Full Address(if same)
Declaration by Parent/Guardian.:
I hereby state that all particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and belief and no material information has been suppressed or withheld by me. I also agree to bind myself to submit to the school rules in force at present or amended from time to time, in all respects. I have read the prospectus and School Rules.